Robson Consulting Services

* Services *

Paper Prototyping

Expert Review

Usability Testing

Brainstorming Facilitation

User Research


UI Design

Project Definition Workshop

Affinity Diagramming







Paper Prototyping

Paper Prototyping is a fast way to mock up your web site/application so you can quickly validate the design through testing. It's possible to go through multiple iterations in a matter of days instead of weeks or months. Users are generally more honest with their comments when they can tell you haven't spent months working on an interface. We will work with your team to develop paper prototypes of their vision for the software. We can then usability test the prototypes before you start coding.

Expert Review

If you can't bring in users, an Expert Review is a good option. This is done quickly and without users and is based on our experience, design standards and guidelines (yours and ours), and general heuristics. It's also highly recommended to do this before usability testing to clean up anything that is obviously wrong so we can focus on more important issues during a usability study.

Usability Testing

We would run usability tests to validate design decisions, verify the prototypes are headed in the right direction, confirm that your users can use the software/website to accomplish their goals, etc. 3-8 users are all you usually need to uncover workflow problems or to show how difficult it might be to find what users are looking for. The results will inform your design going forward. It is not necessary to have a usability lab to conduct these tests.


We can help facilitate brainstorming sessions to help you make decisions faster or we can teach you how to conduct effective brainstorming sessions.

Project Definition Workshop

It's important to gather key information at the beginning of a project. The Project Definition Workshop (PDW) is a great way to quickly gather the main elements needed and to get all major stakeholders on the same page from the start. This workshop can be the start to a successful project.

Affinity Diagramming

Also know as K-J Analysis, affinity diagramming has many uses. Generally we use it to analyze the data obtained from usability studies but we also use it as a decision making technique.






Robson Consulting -- Usability